Friday, 13 April 2012


Last night I made a pie for tea and had some pastry left over so I decided to make some lemon curd tarts with the homemade lemon curd a neighbour had given me a while back. I then thought it would be nice to turn them into little lemon meringues, something I hadn't made before. So after cracking two egg whites and checking how much sugar to put in, instead of guessing, I whisked them up with a hand whisk and added the sugar as soon as it started to peak. I think I should have whisked it slightly longer as it tended to go a bit more runny after I had added the sugar, but I was so concerned about over whisking, as all my cook books said not to over whisk. Anyway for a complete meringue novice I don't think they turned out bad and everyone enjoyed them. With the left over meringue I just dolloped spoonfuls onto some baking paper, which would have been fine, despite being a trifle flat, if it wasn't for the fact they stuck to the paper and to eat them you either have to break bits off the top or eat them with the paper. I was so looking forward to having them sandwiched together with some double cream, maybe next time!

Sorry for the inferior photo I'm not very good and need to learn some techniques, I tend to just point and shoot, much to my husband's disappointment.


  1. i cannot cook a thing--these look yummy to me:) and your pic looks great! have a great weekend, melanie!

  2. Hello Melanie, sorry it's taken me so long to pop by!
    I worked at a nursery for 3 years then I took over my friends Dad's gardening business and it all went from there. I love it!
    As for the photography, it's a bit hit & miss with me! But you are more then welcome to email me, I'm more than happy to help if I can. My email,

    Yummy looking Meringue!

    Lou xxx

    1. Thanks for replying I appreciate it and for your email. I do love the photographs that you and others put on their blog, everyone seems so talented! Looking forward to some more. Do you ever put photos up of the gardens you do? I love to look at people's gardens.

  3. Yummy!!Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Did you manage to make the mousse?

    1. I haven't, actually I've forgotten but now you've reminded me I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow.
